Physio Therapist at Medwest Health Care
-Registered Physiotherapist (AHPRA)
-Work Cover and TAC Early Intervention
-Physiotherapy Framework Service provider
-Member Australian Physiotherapist Association
-Charles Sturt University, Bachelor of Physiotherapist
-Sports physiotherapy level 1
-Introduction to dry needling for sports and spinal injuries
-Senior First Aid certificate
-Mechanical Di
-Mulligan Concept
Dr. Young

Obsterician&Genecologist at O&G Clinic
-M.D. Ewha Woman's University, College of Medicine
-Obsterician&Genecologist at Apple woman’s clinic
-GP at Preventive Health screening center, Samsung Medical Center and Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine
-Resident at Samsung Medical Center and Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine
-Internship at Ewha Woman's University Mokdong Hospital, Seoul
-Board of Korea Medical Association (#104692)
Dr. Chloe

Physio Therapist at Soo at acupuncture&oriental medicine clinic
-Pain management
-Manual therapy
**To be updated
Dr. Soo

Director at Wellfit Pilates&Yoga Studio
-Certificate of Yoga Instructor
Flying Yoga, Vinyasa
-Certificate of International Rehabilitation Pilates Instructor:
Mat, Reformer, Cadillac, Chair, Barrels
Functional anatomy
S-Gun techniques
Soft Tissue Mobilization Tool techniques
Manual therapy
-Certificate in Pregnant woman Pilates