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In collaboration with our WPS Affiliate REACH MOVEMENT

Programming course workshop

Reach Movement

WPS, in collaboration with Reach Movement, regularly conducts specialised workshops for students enrolled in Programming Courses. These workshops focus on Programming Postural Assessment and Correction as well as Special Conditions and Rehabilitation. 

The workshops aim to equip students with the ability to develop safe and effective exercise programs and provide effective counseling and guidance considering clients' specific needs and limitations.


They are part of the programming curriculum and provide students with knowledge on assessing and correcting posture, as well as addressing special conditions and rehabilitation. 

Programming Postural Assessment and Correction

Presented by Reach expert Andrew Aroustian

Day 1

Initial Consultations (IC)
IC: Guide Programs
Instructor Report

Good Posture versus Bad Posture
Physiology of Posture
The plumbline and the anatomical position
Static postural assessment
Dynamic postural assessment

Day 2

Common faulty postures
Kyphotic Posture
Lordotic Posture
Fatigue/ Sway-Back Posture
Flat Back Posture
Genu Varus and Genu Valgus
Pronation and Supination
Correcting faulty postures
Developing a postural correction program

Special Conditions and

Presented by Reach expert Andrew Aroustian

Day 1


The PIC System™: Review

Time Constraints Programming

Choosing Apparatus and Programming

Apparatus Programming

Programming, Progression and Regression


Pre-Pilates Repertoire: Pelvic Clocks & Hip Release

Pre-Pilates Repertoire: Side Lying Rotation & Puppet Arms

Pre-Pilates Repertoire: Supine Pole

Pre-Pilates Repertoire: Diamond Extension

Pre-Pilates Repertoire: Seated Pelvic Tilts/ Clocks

Pre-Pilates Repertoire: Quadruped Stabilisation

Pre-Pilates Repertoire: Protraction/ Retraction & Happy Puppy

Pre-Pilates Repertoire: Side Lying Hip Series & Clams

Pre-Pilates Repertoire: VMO Extension & Piriformis Stretch

Day 2

Muscle Structure and Function
Muscle Contractions and Roles
Muscle Roles
Stability and Balance
Common Terminology used in Exercise and Rehabilitation
Special Conditions
Pilates for Pregnancy
Pilates for Pregnancy: First and Second Trimester
Pilates for Pregnancy: Third Trimester and Post Natal
Ageing and Longevity
Common conditions of the hip
Common conditions of the knee
Common conditions of the ankle
Common shoulder conditions
Conditions of the elbow and wrist
Spine and Back
Low Back Pain
Piriformis Syndrome
Disc Bulge
Degenerative Spine Conditions
Scoliosis and Osteoporosis

Image by Dane Wetton


0451 878 807​



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