teacher Training Course

Wellness Pilates Teacher Training Course is officially registered in South Korea, and the Australian government-accredited Diploma is also obtainable.
All trainees learn how to practically apply theoretical knowledge at various levels through online/offline classes. They will learn how to instruct 1:1 private lessons, 2:1, 4:1 group lessons, and up to 12 clients in mat classes recommended by PAA (Pilates Alliance Australasia).
Wellness Pilates Teacher Training Course consists of three stages, and trainees must complete all stages and the designated practicum.
Trainees who complete all courses will be recognized for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and will qualify to upgrade to the Pilates International Training Center Diploma, an Australian government-accredited course operated by affiliated institutions.
Following the upgrade course on professional ethics, safety rules, etc., according to the procedure, students will receive Australian national certification.
Welcome to WPS Pilates
Teacher Training Course!
Course Inquiry │ +61 451 878 807 │ wellnesspilatesaustralia@gmail.com
– Recruiting Students in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane